When I first started blogging, and found a community that shared the same passion for movies, I did these award posts almost every other month. Since then, there have been possibilities, Liebester Award comes by every now and then, but I guess I have been sort of uninspired to participate again. But I figured what better way to get back into it with a bit of Sunshine!

As given, every award has a set of tiny rules for accepting it, here are the ones for Sunshine:

Post the award on your blog
Thank the person who nominated you
Answer the 11 questions they set you
Pick another 11 bloggers (and let them know they are nominated!)
Set them 11 questions

So, first up, thank you Jenna and Allie from Flick Chicks for nominating me!

And here are my answers for their 11 questions:

Settle an ongoing Flick Chicks debate for us. Which Ryan is best, Reynolds or Gosling?
You know, I think my vote is going to be Reynolds! He has been in my radar far longer (since Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place) and Deadpool was so much fun!
Who do you think Rey’s Parents are? (We’re talking Star Wars here)
Princess Leia and Han Solo!?
What was the first movie you saw in the cinema?
101 Dalmatians with my grandma!
What’s your ultimate guilty pleasure movie?
Since my dislike for romance comedies is well known, every mediocre rom-com qualifies for this category.
What’s your go-to cinema snack?
M&M’s – peanut ones!
What’s your best piece of advice for new bloggers?
Consistency of posts and just finding your own voice by being you!
Is there a movie out there that you hate with a passion, and why?
At the moment, Suicide Squad but it’s more like annoyance than hate.
If you could create a sequel for any movie that currently doesn’t have one, which one would it be?
Off the top of my head, I’d love to see a sequel for The Man from U.N.C.L.E (2015).
What other hobbies do you have, aside from movies and blogging?
If a movie was made about your life, who would you cast to play you?
I’d love Mae Whitman do be my movie version!
What’s been your favourite movie of the year so far?
I saw The Fundamentals of Caring last night and loved it! But I think, by the end of the year, Civil War is still going to be on top!
Hereby I’m nominating 11 blogger ladies:
Margaret from Cinematic Corner
Maria from Big City Bookworm
Sofia from Film Flare
Ruth from FlixChatter
Katy from Oh So Geeky
Brittani from Rambling Film
Beatrice from Big Screen Small Words
Abbi from Abbiosbiston
Sophie from Wreck My Brain
Zoë from The Sporadic Chronicles of a Beginner Blogger
Rebecca from Almost Ginger
Here are my 11 questions:
1. What was the last movie you saw and loved?
2. Name an actor, an actress and a director you would pair in a movie and what genre would it be?
3. Last song you listened to.
4. Book to movie adaptation you would like to see happening in the near future?
5. From all the Chris’, which one do you prefer: Evans, Pine, Hemsworth or Pratt?
6. Name your 3 movie pet peeves.
7. If you had to choose, what season would you live in forever?
8. Imagine your pet (or an imaginary pet) had an inner voice, which actors/actress’ voice would he/she have?
9. You had a really bad day, what book or movie will make you feel better?
10. If they were handing out superpowers based on your personality, what superpower would you want and what would you probably end up with?
11. Sleep, Marry, Kill:
Round 1: Joel Kinnaman, Ryan Reynolds, Dave Franco
Round 2: Jared Leto, Chris Evans, Orlando Bloom
Round 3: Paul Rudd, Tom Hardy, Michael Fassbender
Round 4: Choose between three guys you picked to marry from pervious rounds
PS: You can answer in the comments instead of a blog post as well!
PS: I’m really interested in some of the answers for these questions!

Let me know when you participate in the comments, or on Twitter. And in case I didn’t tag you, but you want to answer my questions anyway, put your answers in the comments !

23 responses to “Sunshine Blogger Award”

  1. You’re more than welcome!! Big thumbs up for picking the correct Ryan by the way, I’m Team Reynolds, ha! And I thought I was the only person on the planet who had seen Two Guys A Girl and a Pizza Place, LOVE that show.
    – Allie

    1. Ha! I love that show, I was actually thinking about rewatching it soon! 😀

  2. Maria Casacalenda (Big City Bookworm) Avatar
    Maria Casacalenda (Big City Bookworm)

    Man, choosing between the two Ryan’s is tough…they’re both just so wonderfully Canadian ❤ I feel like a proud mom when it comes to those two! I can wait to answer your questions…especially choosing between the FOUR Chris' haha. I might have a panic attack thinking about it 😛

    1. It was a difficult choice but hey, Reynolds is at the top at the moment, but who knows, maybe Gosling will end up there soon enough! And the Chris’ question is a bit more difficult I guess, lucky that I don’t have to answer that ! 😀

  3. Thanks for the award!! I remember receiving and giving lots in the begging as well, this brings me back 🙂 Peanut M&M’s are the best! Definitely going to check out The Fundamentals of Caring, had never heard of it. I’ll answer the questions right here, in a HUGE comment:

    1. Plenty that I liked after, but the last one I really loved was Ang Lee’s Lust, Caution.

    2. I suck at this casting thing, really. So I’m gonna have to skip it, sorry!

    3. I’m listening to Oasis right now (def on a nostalgic mood), Stop Crying Your Heart Out specifically.

    4. This one’s hard bc I read a lot of romance but I’m not dying to see them on screen, and I realised I’ve read a lot of books that were adapted to movies, or are about to be! But I always said Donna Tartt’s The Secret History would make an awesome mystery thriller.

    5. CHRIS PRATT. I’m crushing on him more than I should, but seriously… he’s always been cute, but now that he’s embodied my hottest Sims creations? FML.

    6. Scenes with food where they are not really eating it. A character over-explaining something, or “dumbing it down” for audiences. And the whole “almost losing before wining” thing, in sports, fights, etc – drives me nuts!

    7. I think… Fall. Half of it is still warm here, and the other half is cold enough to wear coats! Rains just enough, unlike Spring, which is a hair nightmare – rain, wind… I never thought this much about seasons.

    8. My cat’s name is Zorro, so that would have to be Banderas! As for my female dog… she’d be a full grown woman, but goofy and loving and excited, so maybe Poehler.

    9. Honestly, whatever I’ve got on queue, or on my nightstand (unless it’s a heavy classic), will take my mind off things and make it better! But if I really need to laugh and be reminded of the bittersweetness of life, Gilmore Girls does it. I don’t have a habit of re-reading books.

    10. Manipulating time! That’s what I’d get AND want. I’m always behind on everything, really. Or maybe teleporting, that would be cool, too. Not just for discovering the world but also for every day life, like avoiding traffic and train rides and stuff bc I hate it and some times don’t go out just because I don’t feel like going through the hassle of the ride!

    Man, that was super pragmatic of me, wasn’t it?

    11. Round 1: idk that Joel guy, so kill him. Sleep with Franco, reluctantly… :/ Marry Reynolds.
    Round 2: Kill Leto, easy. Sleep with Bloom, sounds sweet. Marry Evans!
    Round 3: Kill Fassy, sorry. Sleep with Hardy, bc I’m too scared of him to marry him. Marry Rudd.
    Round 4: Kill Reynolds. Sleep with Evans bc every woman deserves that much male perfection at least once in her life.. Marry Rudd – husband material right there.

    This was super fun, thanks again!

    1. Hey! Thanks for answering! I had a blast reading this HUGE comment. 😀
      * Donna Tartt’s The Secret History would make an awesome mystery thriller – YES! I read this YEARS ago and when I randomly picked it up at the store I remembred reading it, and it all came back to me. So Fincher to direct and I’m game.
      *You created a Pratt Sims character? 😀
      *Oh my god, imagine Banderas waking you up in the morning: “Feed me!”
      *Are you super excited for the Four Seasons Gilmore Girls revival`? Who do you think Rory ends up with??
      *You kill Joe, my baby? Watch The Killing, a crime drama, you’ll love it! And Fassy? NOOO! Reynolds`?? You killed all my babies. 😀

      You are welcome!!!

      1. No no, creating Sims based on real-life people is too creepy for me…though really, that whole game is kind of messed up. Anyway, what I meant was that I always have a couple of hot male Sims, and when Pratt got ready for Guardians of the Galaxy, he resembled them A LOT (a little less muscle definition on my guys bc I find that… scary), which is to say Pratt is the embodiment of what I believe to be the sexiest guy you can conceive: nice bulk with a healthy dose of body fat + friendly face.

        And now I want to play Sims.

        I’m BEYOND excited for GG!! I hope she ends up with Jess obviously, don’t you??? Please don’t say Dean. Please.

        Ooh I heard about The Killing, I might give it a try yes 😀

        Ah sorry… I outgrew Fassy, not sure how tbh! But never been a fan of Reynolds… 😦

        1. I’m either Jess or Logan, because both of those guys are a lot cooler than Dean and Dean is.. he’s a mess.

          And well, I’ll never outgrow Fassy… and I think I agree with your definition with the hot guy, though mine would have to have a beard. 😀

    1. No problem ! I already read your answerd and they were great!

  4. Thanks so much for nominating me! You brought sunshine to my day 🙂 Fun questions too, I’ll let you know when my post is up.

    1. Yay! Always glad to share some sunshine!

  5. Thanks so much for the award! I’ll be making a post on my blog shortly.

    1. What was the last movie you saw and loved? Absolutely love Zootopia! Such a cute movie!
    2. Name an actor, an actress and a director you would pair in a movie and what genre would it be? Would love to see Amy Adams in a movie by Quentin Tarantino, but I have no idea about genre though. lol
    3. Last song you listened to. My Shot from the Hamilton musical.
    4. Book to movie adaptation you would like to see happening in the near future? Not really an adaptation but a biopic on Dorothy Parker would be awesome.
    5. From all the Chris’, which one do you prefer: Evans, Pine, Hemsworth or Pratt? EVANSSSSS.
    6. Name your 3 movie pet peeves. The only female character in a movie doesn’t have lines but is a love interest to someone, people falling in love but they barely know each other, and ambiguous endings unless they’re done really well.
    7. If you had to choose, what season would you live in forever? Spring.
    8. Imagine your pet (or an imaginary pet) had an inner voice, which actors/actress’ voice would he/she have? Zooey Deschanel.
    9. You had a really bad day, what book or movie will make you feel better? Bridget Jones’ Diary is one of my favorite comfort-movies. 🙂
    10. If they were handing out superpowers based on your personality, what superpower would you want and what would you probably end up with? I’d want the ability to fly, but would probably get invisibility.
    11. Sleep, Marry, Kill:
    Round 1: Joel Kinnaman, Ryan Reynolds, Dave Franco
    Sleep with Joel, Marry Ryan, and kill Dave
    Round 2: Jared Leto, Chris Evans, Orlando Bloom
    Sleep with Orlando (kinda ew), Marry Chris Evans, and kill Jared Leto
    Round 3: Paul Rudd, Tom Hardy, Michael Fassbender
    Sleep with Michael, Marry Tom, and kill Paul (sorry dude)
    Round 4: Choose between three guys you picked to marry from previous rounds
    Sleep with Tom, Marry Chris, and Kill Ryan.

    1. Cool! Thank you so much for answering, I like how long these answers make my comment section. 😀 And thank you for not killing Joel, he’s my favorite. 😀

  6. Thank you for the award! Fundamentals of Caring was a nice movie, the cast was great. I’m also hoping for a Man from Uncle sequel, the movie was delightful! I’ll have my post up soon!

    1. You’re welcome! Man From Uncle was indeed awesome! I’ll look out for your post then! 🙂

  7. I’m appalled by the number of people killing boo over here 😆

    1. Well.. think of it this way. Less competition, more likely for you to get him!

  8. […] gotten back from my trip and was really exhausted when I got pinged on Twitter, so big THANK YOU Getter and Margaret for nominating […]

  9. Thank you so much for the nomination!

  10. Thanks for tagging me! Civil War is still my top film of this year as well. 🙂

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