Images from Tumblr.

Last week was quite something, saw two movies, watched an entire television season, sprained my ankle and finished two books. I like the addition of the sprained ankle to my health history, because I’m not much of a sporty person so I’ve never had any proper physical injuries. Now I can say I have a sprained ankle for the first time in my life, sadly it was not a sex injury, like someone suggested (you know who you are!). Plus, it turns out, sprained ankles are not fun! They hurt like hell, I almost blacked out from pain, and it’s impossible to walk – just what I needed to spice up my life!


After my emergency room visitation my own doctor wanted to run some tests and it turns out my calcium levels are still quite low. So I got another week of sick leave and I must say, it’s pretty well timed, since I fell down some stairs and sprained my ankle on Thursday. Yes, that’s me, clumsy as fuck! So I spent the entire Friday in bed, which gave me a good chance to finish two books. As of this moment, the ankle is still swollen but I can put some weight on it without it hurting too much. BUT I still have a limp. Wonderful. Anyway, I’m expecting it to be swollen and sore for quite some time, so who knows when I’ll be walking normally again.

Other than that, I’ve now spent a lot of time watching things and writing things, and planning things and just getting a system going instead of this chaos that seems to be my blog/life. You wouldn’t think there’s chaos but there is, which is why I organised the shit out of it for the next month. That’s right, I literally planned a whole month worth of posts and plan to do this for September as well – how responsible of me! Most of those posts for August are pretty much written as well, so I’ve been especially productive.


Last week I saw two movies I was excited to see, Dunkirk and The Beguiled. And I have a lot of feelings for both. For instance, I first I thought I liked Dunkirk but as I started writing the review, I slowly realised its full potential. That movie has so much depth to it, beyond what you see on screen, and it has a very strong message as well. The more I think about it, and the more I listen to its soundtrack, the more I fall in love with it. So I’m not actually a little confused what my final verdict should be.

The Beguiled was my second Sofia Coppola movie I remember watching from start to finish! I literally can’t recall any of her other movies that well, and I never finished Somewhere. The Beguiled had similar problems to it that I have with her directing style but at least there was Colin Farrell to ogle at. Man, that man is just so yummy, and what did Sofia do? Didn’t even allow us some butt shots or anything. Such a waste!

Oh and I also watched Deepwater Horizon because Dylan O’Brien is in it, and I used to adore the shit out of him in case anyone has forgotten. But turns out, since he has his new movie coming out soon, I’m still a bit of a fangirl when it comes to him, so I watched pretty much the only movie of his I haven’t seen yet. (I’m probably never going to watch High Road). It was devastating to see those events unfold and to think 12 hours of additional work would have kept that disaster from happening.

There is a movie I’m super excited about but I’ll do a separate post on it in August. I’m telling you, I have it all planned now, so you’ll be seeing out of date reviews and discussions from me all the time now! Not the case entirely though, but I’m out of date anyway so I should just own up to it!


I could also talk about many of the trailers that were realeased during Comic Con BUT I have a separate post coming up this week that highlights those I watched. Plus, I want to discuss a few of them in length, so I figured a longer post will be more effective. So stay tuned, it will go up tomorrow, and it’s freakishly long, so I’m sorry in advance!


I feel like I’m a broken record when it comes to 13 Reasons Why but here I go again, I have not yet seen it, but I will! Last week I just got distracted by Fargo, and now I’ve seen its first season and I loved it! It was amazing! Already watching the second season and man, Patrick Wilson is amazing (or maybe I’m just easily amazed)! I really like him, I thought I hadn’t seen him a lot but I actually have! I think The Conjuring was the first time I really noticed him and put my eye on him but before that he has had supportive roles in so many movies I’ve seen. Anyway, I’m glad I started watching Fargo, should have done it sooner but it’s fun to binge watch shows!

Speaking off binge watching, I haven’t really been watching a lot of stuff that is going on now. Masterchef Australia finished today, so that’s that. Was very disappointed how it all turned out and to be honest, this season didn’t have a stand out for me at all. Everyone seemed equally dull to be honest. Nashville has also been on my radar but I’m quite frankly over it now since there’s a lot of problems with the show since its move to a different station. Summer used to have so many teen oriented shows for me and now there seems to be lack of those too! Any recommendations? I really want something light and breeze to contradict Fargo.

That reminds be, I hate that IMDb has lost the feature where you can click on movies or shows that are similar to the one you’re currently looking at. It was so helpful to just see what you might have missed or not heard of. Now you go on IMDb and there’s nowhere to click really, no possibilities to discover new things. That feature was like one of my favourite things there and now, I feel like I’m missing out.


Like I mentioned before, I finished two books last week and actually started a third one as well. The first I read was Nobody Is Ever Missing, which was about a woman who had depression and decided to leave her husband and go to New Zealand. It was okay, didn’t love it and was actually a bit annoyed by it, though the topic of the book is really sensitive and especially heartbreaking considering the news of Chester Bennington’s death. Not going to lie, I was pretty shook up about it since I just recently went down memory lane and listened endlessly to Linkin Park one evening. So I needed a mental pick me up and decided to read The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue which I ended up loving!

Music vise I have been a bit out of the loop but, like I said, I listened to Linkin Park one evening and this cover of Adele’s Rolling in the Deep will now forever remain my favourite cover ever. There are so many other songs I could highlight but for some reason, that one, crushes me. I also listened to Dunkirk’s soundtrack while I was typing this, which brought up another set of sad emotions, so I’m going to end this post with less sad things – links to amazing bloggers!


Two Dollar Cinema hated Despicable Me 3

Oh So Geeky shares her love for Colossal

Lana Morgan shares her thoughts on To the Bone

Dan the Man talks Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

My Filmviews reviews Dunkirk

Often Off Topic shares 3 mini reviews: Okja, Gifted and Atonement

Cinematic Corner does these RF thingies, and they are awesome

14 responses to “Commercial Break #81”

  1. I just finished The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue and loved it!!! I thought I still had more pages to go, wasn’t counting on the info at the end. I’m so happy because I was feeling very let down by my YA choices lately, but this was fun and adorable!

    I really like Deepwater Horizon. I watched it in the theatres when it premiered, I went with my brother kind of against my will bc I didn’t have high expectations, so I was positively surprised by how intense and moving it was. I loved loved loved Wahlberg and Hudson together, and Gina Rodriguez!

    1. I knew I was going to love t, something about those gay boys that always gets me. ๐Ÿ˜€

      That’s nice! I love when a movie manages to surprise us. My flatmates favourite movie Mad Max Fury Road was actually like that, she came against her will and then we ended up seeing it twice. ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. You know, I’m sorry about being a dickhead regarding your sprained ankle. Really. After speaking with my younger brother the other day, we both realized were assholes when it comes to other people’s injuries and/or sicknesses. So…maybe my parents should be the one apologizing…

    Man, I am super jealous about how organized you’ve become. I just do this shit willy-nilly and cross my fingers that anybody will read it. Yeah…about that. Oh, and your tweet the other day (basically about ‘why bother to write a certain post’) got me thinking a little bit, and I almost through my phone into the street as a result. You made sense…total sense…but I can’t let doubt become part of this. Nope.

    As for happier things, I’m also jealous that you’re into Fargo. I have been trying to watch one series with my wife (Jessica Jones) and in six weeks…we’ve seen five episodes. I really want to give Fargo a shot…but there’s way too many episodes at this point.

    Thanks for the link! (and yes, f–k that movie)

    1. Hey, it’s alright, I feel like that sort of joking around actually helps because it made me laugh and I hear that’s the best medicine!

      What tweet? I feel like I tweet so much lately that I forget half the shit I say on Twitter these days. .:D

      Fargo’s real good. Better than Jessica Jones imo. I loved the first season, the second wasn’t my favourite but we’ll see what the third one is up to soon!

      You’re welcome!

  3. All jokes aside, I hope you get better soon. At least you’re passing the time constructively, though. Man, I need to see Dunkirk and The Beguiled.

    1. I hope so too! And I do feel like I’ve been quite productive this past week, phew.

  4. Fargo IS such a great show!

    I hope you feel better soon.

  5. Jesus with you two drama queens above ๐Ÿ˜€

    No ass shots in Beguiled? Then what the hell is the point?!

    Dunkirk is so amazing. I just gave it 10/10 right away. I have been listening to ‘Supermarine’ from the soundtrack pretty much this entire week

    1. Yeah, I mean, I can get a joke, geez. ๐Ÿ˜‚

      No ass.. a bit high side thigh action but nothing more. So no point.

      Can’t wait for your review of Dunkirk!

  6. I’m so glad you’re enjoying Fargo, it’s one of my favourites! Really looking forward to reading your thoughts on 13 Reasons Why when you get round to it.
    Also, I’m so sorry…I’m sure it was an awful (and painful) experience spraining your ankle but the Twitter activity was just so funny! Hope you’re feeling better!

    1. Me too! I hope to get around to it soonish. ๐Ÿ˜„
      Twitter is always funny these days! ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. It may be less funny when I have some actual work to do next August so I won’t be troling people with my insanity during office hours ๐Ÿ˜›

  7. Sorry to hear your sprained your ankle! I hope you can start walking on it soon again.
    Dunkirk was so good. I’m hoping to see it again if I can squeeze it in.
    The second season of Fargo is so much fun and it’s pretty wild. I haven’t seen the first one though. lol
    Thanks for linking my Colossal review!

  8. I have got A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue on my to read list. Think maybe I should bump it up. Sorry to hear about the ankle.

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