400 might not be an important number to some but for me it actually is somewhat special. I have been waiting for it for quite some time now actually, the big round number of 400. Seeing the number getting closer and closer just made me realize that I’m almost at 500, then, soon I will be a 1000 and then.. I don’t know. Okay, I might me exaggerating because getting to 400 has taken me almost three years. On this rate, it will take me forever to get there but I’m ready for the ride, it’s been so fun so far! As the number got closer, I thought why not celebrate it with something special since I haven’t done it with my other hundred posts. Plus, I had a lot of time with all my school work, deadlines, additional obligations and an up-coming trip… Kidding but I still had a lot of fun putting the alphabet together, had some issues with couple of letters because some didn’t have enough options, some had too many. To be fair, a lot of my favorites were left out but overall, I think it worked out well. It consists of movies, directors, actors and actresses who’s lives revolve around movies.

Others that I thought about: (500) Days of Summer, 12 Angry Men, 28 Days Later….

Had my doubts about adding this instead of (500) Days of Summer but I thought it didn’t matter actually, since both movies feature my boy anyway. Plus, 10 Things I Hate About You is more connected to my childhood, therefore more suitable into this list. Besides, it has one of my favorite movie serenade moments and my two favorite actors of all time – what’s not to love!

Others that I thought about: (The) Avengers, Amelié, Anne Hathaway,

Firstly, I didn’t want to go with the obvious and pick The Avengers because while I love it, A Walk to Remember has been my childhood. The first time I saw this movie I cried like a little girl. The same thing happened the second time and the third and even now, after I’ve seen it tons of times, I still shed a tear or two. Something about this movie just reminds me my teenage years (which were depressing of course), plus, it’s surprising that it is one of those stories that was better as a movie than a book. Addition to that, Shane West is handsome, there I said it, I think he is fine!

Others that I thought about: Bruce Willis, Big Fish, Ben Affleck

When I started making this list I knew some letters were easier than others, and one of those super easy ones was this letter. I mean, Brad Pitt was the heart rob for me and my mom while I was growing up and I liked him right away after seeing Meet Joe Black and Interview with the Vampire.  Now he has evolved into this amazing actor who takes good roles right and left. So with a lifetime of roles I love and can’t get enough of, Brad is my man.

Others that I thought about: Colin Firth, Charlize Theron, Cillian Murphy, Corpse Bride

He is making my favorite movies lately, I guess he has some in this list as well (it was unavoidable) and I’m not even sorry. I like his take on making movies with reality still attached by avoiding overly done CGI effects that has taken over one of my other favorite directors. No doubt about it, he will keep making movies and I’ll keep watching them. Memento isn’t in this alphabet but I needed to mention it as my favorite movie twist, years later, I still remember it like it was yesterday.

Others that I thought about: David Fincher, Danny Boyle, (The) Dark Knight Rises

By far my favorite superhero movie and probably because of my infinite love towards Heath Ledger and Christopher Nolan. Not to mention, the whole trilogy is great but I thought it made more sense to pick just one and not go over board with Nolan’s movies in this list. I still remember the first time I watched this movie and gasped when I saw Joker’s clean face because it was the first time I recognized Ledger completely and his death still hurt me… it still does.

Others that I thought about: Ezra Miller, Emma Watson, Easy A

This girl is amazing, she is young, unique and funny! I prefer these types of women over the ones that try to hard to be the romantic comedy women which ends up in a bad place because funny always trumps romantic. Emma also gives me the kind of a perfect best friend vibe and I like how her movies have such big variety, from comedies to serious dramas. Pure talent. And I never get bored because she never seems to be the same, a chameleon.

Others that I thought about:Fight Club, Full Metal Jacket, Fanning sisters, Fantastic Mr. Fox

Tough call between Fight Club but yet again I went with my childhood memories (plus I want to make the alphabet not too perfect). Probably my number one movie to quote as well because I have seen this so many times it is unnatural even. Cleverly done and well played by Tom Hanks who back then was the number one man for me, now he has been less on my radar but most of my childhood comedies involve Hanks. Including Forrest Gump, Taylor and Hooch, Big and all the romantic comedies as well.

Others that I thought about: George Clooney, (The) Green Mile, Greg Kinnear, Guy Pearce, Going the Distance

Second director in my alphabet is no surprise I guess, I have been in love with Ritchie’s movies since I can remember. My dad got me hooked on him with Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and from there on out, I keep waiting for him to return back to his roots. Enough with Sherlock, bring back the good old Jason Statham times. Until then, I will keep re-watching Snatch and Rockn’rolla.

Others that I thought about: Harry Potter movies, Helena Bonham Carter, High Fidelity, Helen Mirren

Did anyone had any other person or a movie to put under this letter? Ledger has been my favorite for a long time, before his sad faith and before his Hollywood big time fame. So far I own most of his movies on DVD and I most certainly plan to finish that collection soon. Which makes me sad.. because the collection will be finished due to his infinite absence – I just miss him so much!

Others that I thought about: Intouchables, (The) Island, Indiana Jones

Certainly the most talked about movie in 2010 and probably continues to be one of the highlights of Nolan’s career next to Batman trilogy and Memento. I like the complexity, I like the soundtrack and I love my boy in this (and it doesn’t come as a surprise that my boy will be the dominant one in this alphabet). Inception is also the reason why I like DiCaprio, I think he is a bit underrated and I don’t mind his baby face looks at all. Cillian Murphy and Marion Cotillard are also worth to mention!

Others that I thought about: Johnny Depp, J.J. Abrams, Julianne Moore, James McAvoy

My boy.. oh my boy! I think he needs no words from me any longer because I have established the fact that I love him every time I mention him. I just think he is diverse, interesting and very my kind of guy. In case he ever happens to read this, no, my addiction is healthy.. not crazy. Honestly.

Others that I thought about: Kirsten Dunst, (The) King’s Speech, (The) Kids are All Right

Thought long and hard on this one, because I also had Kirsten Dunst in this list but decided to make Keira the star this time. Mostly because her Pride and Prejudice is one of my all time favorites and her roles related to that era are quite good overall. She looks like she’s from that time and I can’t wait to see Anna Karenina because I’ve missed her some time now.

Others that I thought about: (The) Lord of the Rings trilogy, (The) Lion King

I know I just saw this but I had no trouble of putting this movie into my alphabet because it’s place is here and end of story. Some people might not like it, some just like it but I love it and I’m patiently waiting for the DVD to come out so I could own it like a proper fan. A DVD collection regarding my boy might be in the near future, and I’m not sorry at all. Bruce Willis is also the reason I love this and I like that they went with the direction of using two different actors, it works, end of argument.

Others that I thought about: Moonrise Kingdom, Mila Kunis, Mystic River, Matt Damon

Isn’t this man gorgeous and talented? I’m pretty sure he just emerged out of nowhere and became this huge star all of a sudden but for me, I remember his handsome looks and great acting from Fish Tank quite some time ago. So far he hasn’t disappointed me and I doubt he ever will. I mean, I’ve seen so much of him already (cough-Shame-cough), and I still can’t get enough.

Others that I thought about: (The) Number 23, Nicholas Hoult

Such a pearl among the stop-motion animations, actually, among all the animations because it has the story, it has Tim Burton and it is surrounded by Christmas things. I can’t wait for Christmas so I could watch this again. Plus, it makes me extremely nostalgic about Burton’s work since this represents his good old days and is far better than what he is doing lately (Frankenweenie not included cause I haven’t seen it yet!)

Others that I thought about: ?

After Cinematic Corner mentioned this I remembered this movie right away and I was angry at myself for forgetting this one for what seems to be forever. It has the most interesting ending among the horror movies I have seen and by far a great role for Kidman. This is the kind of horror movies I like! The scene where her husband comes back – priceless!

Others that I thought about: Paul Bettany, Paul Rudd, Panic Room

Another master piece from one of my favorite directors that will be mentioned in the next letter. I saw this movie first when I was too young to understand the meaning of this but the second time I saw it, I understood the excitement and it was amazing. Tim Roth, Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson and Uma Thurman – what more could a girl want if you throw Tarantino in there as well!?

Others that I thought about: (The) Queen

Together with the previously mentioned directors Tarantino makes it into a pile of awesomeness because he represents the type of directors I love: they write their own material. He is definitely one of the intelligent ones in Hollywood because I had a lecture about his Inglorious Basterds. We discussed only the beginning of the movie and already we had two hours of signs with various cultural and historical backgrounds. Man puts meaning behind everything.

Others that I thought about: Robert Downey Jr, Richard Gere, Remember the Titans, Remember Me

If my boy wasn’t my number one man I’m sure Ryan would be the one taking his place. He is not just handsome but also talented, most of his movies are among my “good movies” list and I’m especially thrilled to see him more and more in the future. I don’t know when I saw him for the first time but the last time was when I re-watched Crazy, Stupid, Love – there’s one of the good reasons to love him to bits and pieces right there.

Others that I thought about: (The) Shawshank Redemption, Sandra Bullock, Simon Pegg, (The) Social Network, (The) Silence of the Lambs

There’s a movie I love to watch when I feel bad and it will make me feel a lot better and for some random reason, it is Snatch. I just like how it is made, how it offers comedy together with some suspense and I always find the dog to be the best part. Snatch is a great example how great movies are written and directed, plus, it has Brad Pitt!

Others that I thought about: Tangled, Tim Roth, (The) Time Traveler’s Wife

Oh the good old times Tim Burton did amazing movies with great care and attention to detail and wasn’t over using Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham-Carter. No hard feelings, Burton is my favorite but right until Alice in Wonderland and I would certainly see his earlier movies again and again.

Others that I thought about: Uma Thurman

Here’s another movie I like because it happens to have the amazing George Clooney. I just can’t help it, I like him and it’s probably why I watch Ocean’s trilogy almost every year. He has charisma and he looks good, plus, his voice has this certain calming effect that I simply enjoy. Up in the Air was one of those movies that surprised me, probably because I did not expect Anna Kendrick to be as good as she was. And I can’t wait to see this one again some time soon.

Others that I thought about: Van Helsing

Kirsten Dunst still makes it to the list but she does it with The Virgin Suicides. I read the book after I saw the movie, then I watched the movie again.. each time I kind of wish for a different ending. With this movie I would also like to mention Sofia Coppola who’s movies I have enjoyed but I somehow keep forgetting to mention her.. I guess it’s because she does go with quality rather than quantity and the media doesn’t scream around her movies.

Others that I thought about: What Women Want, Woody Harrelson

So this might be surprising a bit but I did want to show off my so called fun side and Chris Evans naked is the funnest my side can be. Besides, I like Anna Faris as well because she seems very comfortable being the kind of awkwardly funny and sometimes over the top comedy woman. One might call What’s Your Number? my guilty pleasure as well.

Others that I thought about: ?

So I knew that I had to go with X-Men when I finally got to this letter but I wasn’t sure which one I was going to pick. Then again, put together James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence and you probably got yourself a really good movie. I do enjoy the whole series though, don’t get me wrong, Hugh Jackman is some what my favorite as well so the X really represents all the X-Men movies and the ones to come.

Others that I thought about: (The) Young Victoria

Like I wrote in my review, Young Adult surprised me in a good way and I’m glad I watched this movie. I’m also glad I can add this into my alphabet because it certainly deserves a place in here. If not for the plot then for Charlize Theron’s performance which really puts her into a category of women who I have come to love in these past few years.

Others that I thought about: Zombieland, Zooey Deschanel, Zac Efron (I know, I’m sorry), Zachary Quinto

When it came to the final letter I was almost shocked when I remembered Zodiac almost seconds before I was actually finishing the alphabet. For that, I watched the movie again and it all came back to me – the way it is all put together in perfect details and we have Robert Downey Jr together with Mark Ruffalo which is probably why they got along so well in The Avengers. Plus, it has a bit of Dermot Mulroney whom I love! Great movie to end the alphabet!

PS: Feel free to put together your own movie alphabet, trust me, it’s a lot harder than it looks especially when you get a letter that has so much awesomeness and you only have to choose one. Hope my choices make sense and I really wish you enjoyed this post, may the next 400 be as fun!

67 responses to “400th blog post celebration”

  1. Wow, amazing post and it looks awesome. Really like the design. Nice alphabet with a lot of choices I would agree with. Congratulations on reaching 400 posts!

    1. Thanks! Choosing the letters was sometimes so difficult but I guess I managed.

  2. Congrats on hitting big four!!! Also very happy to see Whats your number getting some love! It rarely does!!!!

    1. Hah, it is a unique pearl!

  3. there’s nothing wrong with zac efron… in fact there a lot of right things about him, ha! Love this list, and congrats on your 400th – I get it, it’s a big deal! 😀 Oh and love love love the graphics.

    1. I like how you managed to pick out that Zac Efron thing, I think he is quite good as well.
      So nice of you, thank you!

  4. Wow congrats!
    Love this list. Fassy and Gos and Virgin Suicides and Emma Stone and Tarantino- all of them would be in mine. Great job 🙂

    1. Fassy and Gosling and Tarantino should be in everybody’s list.
      Thanks for the comment!

  5. Congrats on 400, that’s older than Yoda 🙂 Nice to see some love for Zodiac, my fave film of the noughties. Due to not being a teenage girl, I hadn’t seen Zac Efron in anything until “Liberal Arts” in which he was great.

    1. Thanks!
      You know, ignore his musical roles and I think he has some potential.
      And watching Zodiac again reminded me why I love it so much, it is suspenseful but not too in your face.

      1. If you like Zodiac I recommend “All the President’s Men”

  6. Huzzah! Here’s to 400 more!!

    1. Yay, may the next be even better than this!

  7. Wow !! Congrats on the 400th post and that too such an awesome post. Inception and Nolan FTW !!

  8. Bravo! Congrats on the 400 posts!

  9. The Virgin Suicides and Kirsten Dunst are my favorites. This list is great! Very well done (:

  10. Well done on 400 posts! This is awesome. I did something similar last year, but it was only movie titles that made it in, I’d love to do it this way! Awesome design, too. And I love the love for Nolan.

    1. You should do it this way! The movies change as well and I was too much in trouble to just do the movies. 😀

  11. AWESOME post! I love the inclusion of Guy Ritchie and Snatch – it’s in my top 5 all time favorites, I could watch this movie over and over again. I wish Statham and Ritchie worked together again.

    1. Thank you so much! And exactly! I wish I got to see Ritchie’s old style again. Same with Burton. I feel like some of my old favorites are slowly going into the mainstream and getting bad but some are mainstreaming in a good way.. Oh, difficult topic.

      1. I hope it won’t happen with Aronofsky. Noah kinda worries me, it’s such a big project.

        1. The bigger things get..the more they sacrifice or something. Hopefully it won’t happen indeed.

  12. Congrats on the posting milestone! Also great job on this post, must have taken a lot of effort to put this together and it shows.

    1. Hah, it just took 4 days here and there. Together with my deadlines and stuff. I’m multi-tasking a lot this fall.

  13. I love the design you did with this! It’s a wonderful post, and congrats on 400!

    1. Hah, I like that people like the design.. 🙂

  14. Love this!
    I’m so glad you mentioned Keira Knightley, most people don’t really like her that much! And of course The Others and What’s Your Number, I had almost forgotten about the first one.
    Btw, if you like Zac Efron you should see Liberal Arts – he’s great in there.
    Congratulations with your 400!

    1. Keira is good in her element, which is the Pride & Prejudice type era. And The Others is such a good movie but probably easily forgettable indeed.
      I try not to add more movies to my to-watch-list because it is near exploding but I will add this one.
      Thanks for the comment!

  15. Congrats! Great idea for a post, too

    1. Can’t wait to see others give the movie alphabet a go!

      1. You should host a movie alphabet blogathon! I’d definitely contribute!

  16. […] – are you ready for the challenge? Those who are brave enough to take on this task, check out My Movie Alphabet for inspiration, motivation and maybe some guidelines, post your alphabet on your blog and send […]

  17. […] Ray punched in her 400th post this week (Hooray!) To celebrate she has posted her Cinematic Alphabet (and is inviting others to […]

  18. Congrats on your 400th post! Your beautiful post inspired me to do this next time I hit a milestone. When I hit 1000 I didn’t realize it until after. I love 10 Things I Hate About You, btw, though I don’t share your love for Pitt nor Gosling.

    1. Hit 1000 and didn’t notice? Wow, I would be noticing I guess but still a long way to go!
      Ha.. who doesn’t love Pitt or Gosling?! May I ask why particularly and which movies you’ve seen from them to compile that opinion?

      1. Well I noticed it after WordPress notified me that it’s my 1000th post, so I only wrote like a small paragraph to commemorate it.

        Who doesn’t love Pitt or Gosling? Plenty! I just don’t find either of them attractive at all, sorry. I’ve seen quite a lot of Pitt’s movies and a few from Gosling, they’re just ok, and they’re not exactly the main draw for me to see them. Just a personal preference that’s all. I prefer the more ‘underrated’ blokes, preferably from the UK or Aussie 🙂

        1. Hah. I have a sweet spot for underdogs as well.. the ones who will win in the end!

          And I guess my type in men goes under the “man” category – if he’s handsome and charismatic, bring him on!

  19. I saw this blogathon from Sati. Great idea! I am tempted to join. I too love 10 Things I Hate About You, Up in The Air, Virgin Suicides, Fassbender, and Emma Stone. Congrats on your 400th post

    1. Thanks! And give in to your temptation, I plan to run it until December at least, so take your time.

  20. Excellent post and congrats on your milestone. I’ve just stumbled across your blog and it looks fantastic. It’s always great to find new stuff. I shall return.

  21. wow, this looks beautiful, it must have taken you forever to put the images together alone.

      1. i promise to never complain when a post takes me two hours because of the images in future. dedication!

        1. Indeed.. but I just enjoy it, so it is fun for me.

  22. […] Ray recently did a post to celebrate her 400th Blog post and for it created a movie alphabet. She decided to turn it in a blogathon anyone can join, so I […]

  23. Cool list. I’ve read several of these now since you got the ball rolling and thought it would be interesting to stick with movies only and no directors or actors. Now I have the arduous task of doing just that 🙂
    Can’t wait to finish it!

  24. […] Ray created a very interesting blog-a-thon, My Movie Alphabet for her 400th post celebration. We should make list of our favorite movie related things with the […]

  25. […] – are you ready for the challenge? Those who are brave enough to take on this task, check out My Movie Alphabet for inspiration, motivation and maybe some guidelines, post your alphabet on your blog and send […]

  26. Is there an end date in sight for this?

    1. Before Christmas has so far been the idea.

      1. Okay, I’ll try to get mine in before then 🙂

  27. […] – are you ready for the challenge? Those who are brave enough to take on this task, check out My Movie Alphabet for inspiration, motivation and maybe some guidelines, post your alphabet on your blog and send […]

  28. […] Mettel Ray’s Movie Alphabet […]

  29. […] best years of my blog so far, YOU GUYS made most of it! All those new followers, all those comments (most popular post this year) and discussions – you are far more important to me than I had ever thought a community could […]

  30. Congratulations on winning the Lammy for best blogathone Mettel!

    1. Thank you very much!! 🙂

  31. I am truly glad to glance at this blog posts which consists of plenty of useful information, thanks for providing these data.

  32. […] 3. My Movie Alphabet, published on November 5th, 2012 […]

  33. […] idee voor deze blogathon komt van Mettel Ray, en vandaag zullen er vele filmbloggers een post online zetten in het thema van deze blogathon. Wat […]

  34. […] reasons I’m not including my own alphabet in this one. But you can find my first alphabet here and my second one […]

  35. […] begin, let me clarify a few things. Since I already mentioned my favourite actors and actresses in My Movie Alphabet, I’m setting that aside. This alphabet is focusing on TV shows and TV show characters! It was […]

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